The Freelance Writing Direct Podcast is 1 Year Old

I can’t believe it. There are now 61 episodes of Freelance Writing Direct and my baby just had a birthday — and is one year old!

Freelance Writing Direct

I am excited to be in the top 10 percent of downloads for podcasts, and to be accepted into the Beta advertising program for Libsyn (yes, Freelance Writing Direct takes advertising now). I became the solo host in April, and since then Freelance Writing Direct has taped video as well.

I love getting the word out to my listeners and viewers about all aspects of publishing– book, magazine, and online publications. Thank you to everyone for paying attention and sharing with me what you’ve learned. And a big thank you to all my guests, who have been so generous with their tips, tricks and advice about writing, working with publishers, structuring their work and more.

You can listen to all the episodes on iTunes, and the recent ones also have video and are housed here. Please leave a review if you can on iTunes. It helps to get the word out.

I have interviewed luminary authors like Cheryl Strayed, Ann Hood, Claire Dederer, Harris Faulkner, William Dameron, and editors like Noah Michelson (HuffPost Personal), Alan Henry (WIRED), Brendan Spiegel (Narratively), Allison K. Williams (Brevity) and more, plus:

*How to sell and make money from reprints
*The way to safely source photos
*Behind-the-scenes intel on publishing
*Writing about historical subjects
*Covering the medical industry
*When to reveal and when to conceal 
*Tips on humor writing
*Telling your traumatic story without shame or apology
*Writing about financial topics
*Parenting and productivity
*Structuring your novel
*Getting the sound bite
*The controversial topic of mom rage
*Using polls and data
*Making the most out of publishing with a small press, and a ton of other niche freelance subjects.

I also love interviewing other authors who are also writing instructors, including Vanessa Hua, Jen Maxfield, Dawn Raffel, Courtney Maum, Ronit Plank, Linda Lowen, and Kelly McMasters.

One of my most popular episodes is when I analyzed pitches and also shared how to write compelling personal essays. I need to do another bunch of those episodes. Upcoming episodes will feature agents and publishers (I already have an interview with author/publisher Zibby Owens).

I have been sharing additional clips with my subscribers on substack and even have one coming up this week.

I’m also going to be doing a year-end roundup, and a few solo episodes. Subscribe and don’t miss an episode.

The reviews are in. Here are two of my favorites. Thank you for listening and watching!

I’m sharing a photo of the beautiful bouquet of flowers that my producer Hayleigh Hayhurst of Espresso Podcast Productions sent me along with a personal note! I love working with Hayleigh.



I can’t wait to read what you’ll be writing!