Writing That Gets Noticed has received a 2023 Zibby Award and was named the "Best Book for The Writer"
I am delighted to share this episode with you. I met Robyn Silverman when I interviewed her for a parenting piece on toxic tween friends for Good Housekeeping. I was so impressed with her quick soundbites and media friendly insight and information, that I knew I had to have her as a guest when her book How to Talk to Kids About Anything was published. I’m so glad I did.
- The genesis of this book [3:29]
- Why parents should be addressing tough topics with their children [6:20]
- Why yelling works sometimes [8:25]
- The danger in outside sources of information such as TikTok [15:14]
- Strategies she used to research the book [16:27]
- Writing in a reader-friendly style [20:02]
Watch on YouTube
About Dr. Robyn Silverman
Known as the “Conversation Doc,” Dr. Robyn Silverman is a child and teen development specialist and author of the [forthcoming] book, How to Talk to Kids About Anything, as well as the host of the popular podcast of the same name. She is a cofounder of the Powerful Words Character System, which gives educators the talking points they need to help children become kind, responsible citizens of the world. Dr. Robyn has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS Early Show and Nightline and has been quoted in the New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, CNN.com, and many other publications. She lives with her husband, two kids and a fuzzy rescue dog who loves sunning himself on their front steps, even in the summer heat of North Carolina.
Connect with Dr. Robyn
Connect with Estelle
Her website: (sign up for her newsletter and receive her pitching guide).
Writing That Gets Noticed: Find Your Voice, Become a Better Storyteller, Get Published: Available wherever books are sold and now a class at NYU.
Adjunct Instructor, NYU (Sign up for her latest classes, including her new NYU class called Writing That Gets Noticed, now appplicable for a journalism certificate)
Substack (craft tips, editor information, writing opportunities, early announcements and for paid subscribers special Freelance Writing Direct extended videos).
X (formerly Twitter)
Blue Sky
Writing That Gets Noticed is in a Gift Guide
Thank you to Carol A. Cassara for including my book in her gift guide. It really is the perfect holiday gift for the writer or blogger in your life.
New Interviews
- Speaking with master interviewer Ronit Plank for Let’s Talk Memoir was a pleasure in this episode: Writing That Gets Noticed Featuring Estelle Erasmus
- Know Your True Self Podcast: Writing That Gets Noticed with Estelle Erasmus
- I loved speaking about my experiences working in publishing, and sharing craft advice with Bill Kenower for Author2Author.
- I also liked the video interview with Bill Kenower here for Author Magazine.
- I was also interviewed for the podcast Writers’ Voices: Estelle Erasmus Gives Great Advice in Writing That Gets Noticed
I was excited to have an excerpt from Writing That Gets Noticed on Finding and Honing Your Voice in Author Magazine
Don’t miss my latest substack issue called Forget About “Beautiful” Writing where I offer an extended version of my podcast interview with Amy Jones, Editor-in-chief of Writer’s Digest for paid subscribers.
Freelance Writing Direct just had a birthday and is one year old!
Don’t miss my announcement that Writing That Gets Noticed is now a Journalism Course at NYU for the Journalism Certificate.