- I spoke at the conference and signed my book.
- I led two sessions in one day.
- Bob Eckstein drew me!
I have been so remiss in writing this post. I spoke at the Writer’s Digest annual conference in NYC this year again at the end of August, and, as usual, had an amazing time.
As someone who teaches for Writer’s Digest and also has been the personal essay special judge and will be again this year, it is always a pleasure working with the stellar team at WD.
I got to see Sarah Hall, Taylor Sferra, Amy Jones, Robert Brewer and meet Michael Woodson. Thank you to all. You exemplify the tenet that teamwork is the dreamwork.
I led a session on Micro Memoir, and also on pitching and titling your work. Loved the interactivity of the audience.
I was also thrilled to connect with Bob Eckstein (who does illustrations for the New Yorker among other pubs), who drew me, giving me the honor he has bestowed upon WD keynotes and other luminaries. He is such a talent and he signed his book, The Complete Book of Cat Names for me. We both share a love of cats.
- With Bob Eckstein
- With WD’s Amy Jones
- With Paula Rizzo

With Hallie Ephron.
Loved meeting fellow speakers Paula Rizzo, a fellow Women’s Media Group member, as well as Bruce Holsinger, Jane Cleland, Hallie Ephron, and Chuck Wendig, with who I share a pub date. It was also fun to connect with former WD staffer Jess Zafarris.
I hope to have some of them on my podcast, soon. Also, if you are a paid subscriber to my substack, you will get the extended version of some of my episodes, starting with last week’s episode on Publishing Confidential with Kathleen Schmidt. For all my podcasts go here.
Thank you to Greenlight Books for your deft handling of the book sales, so I could do what I do at these conferences: teach, and sign books. The only glitch happened when I pulled my rotator shoulder cuff bringing down my suitcase from its perch on the the table. I’m doing physical therapy for it and it is improving. Lesson learned. Ask for help, if and when I need it.
- How my pile began
- Where it ended!
- With WD’s Robert Brewer!

With the winner of the Personal Essay contest for Five Nights in Milford, Toni Lepeska
See my latest craft piece in Hippocampus Magazine called Elevate Your Essays: Writing By Bringing the Interior into the Exterior
Podcast Appearances for Writing That Gets Noticed
- The Avid Reader on Writing That Gets Noticed in a conversation with Sam Hankin
- Simply Write with Polly Campbell Editor, Author, Teacher Estelle Erasmus Talks Pitching and Publishing
- The EmPOWERed Half Hour: Find Your Voice, Become a Better Storyteller, and Get Published with Award-Winning Journalist, Estelle S. Erasmus
- Dr.Sheryl Ziegler’s Pod Couch Writing To Find Your Voice
- Legacy Launch Pad with Anna David talking about Getting Articles Published and Landing An Agent
- Wellness for Financial Grownups with Bobbi Rebell talking about How to Get Paid for Jobs You Do (And Sometimes Do) for Free with Author Estelle Erasmus
- The Mom & Podcast Career Pauses, Pivots and Parlaying Your Skill Sets
- Financially Well-Off From Careers to Publication: A Guide to Writing Success
- Real Women’s Work Podcast: Writer, Writing Coach, Author of Writing That Gets Noticed