Publisher’s Weekly Gave Writing That Gets Noticed a “Buy This Book” review!
Hi everyone,
I might have buried the lede in my last post, so I want to move this front and center. I have great news to share as I get closer to book launch for Writing That Gets Noticed (out in June but available on Amazon, B&N and Indiebound now). I received a “Buy This Book” review from Publisher’s Weekly.
The review said: “…this distinguishes itself in the attention given to dealing with the psychological effects of trying to get published, particularly the tips on dealing with rejection (a breathing exercise promises to lower stress, and Erasmus offers encouraging words on persistence: “It’s about consistently showing up after everyone else has given up”). (June). Here is the full review.
Advanced Praise
Here is some advanced praise for my book: “Writing That Gets Noticed is full of insider information, and invaluable tips and tricks that won’t just get you results — they’ll get you published.”— Noah Michelson, editorial director of HuffPost Personal(As an FYI, HuffPost Personal has over 38 million readers)
— Ken Fakler, Emmy, Oliver, and three-time Tony Award Winner, and co-producer of: Dear Evan Hansen, Beautiful, Funny Girl, Parade, and Some Like it Hot.
Thank you to all my students and followers for your continued support and encouragement, as I launch this next phase of my teaching journey.
Also, if you want more interactivity don’t forget to become a paid subscriber to my Substack, where I dissect my recent Editor-on-Call NYU event with a New York Times editor.